Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What color are you?

The color I see myself as is generally white. When you look up  the meaning of white, you normally find purity or angelic, but if you’ve met me I’m really not anything like that. So whenever I view myself I have the color white in my head, which represents the true me. I always think of it along with the things I like to do in my life. I surround myself with adventures and fun sports, which are still all me, but tend to be a bit intimidating and dangerous to others. The yellow in the picture describes those adventures and sports that I like to do. I view the bee in the picture as the adventures that come and go in my life everyday. So if you wash that all away, you’ll find the me that never changes,  or the white that never changes no matter how many colors you put on top of it. You can see the intimidations surrounding me like those different colors covering up white, but then if you take that all away you still have the white or simply me with nothing covering up who I am. Hopefully that makes sense. 


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